Monday, July 20, 2009

My Obsession

What's your obsession? Mine’s composition books, you remember those black and white marbly notebooks we used in early grade school. Every year when the school supplies come out I just can’t resist them, they’re like candy to me. I always have visions of writing toothy tomes of great substance, yea right. They all sit lined up neatly, only thing neat in my house, on a shelf at my desk waiting for those toothy tomes. Right now I have 9 of them and that isn’t counting all the ones around the house with the first couple of pages jotted on.
They come in fantastic designs now
that call out to me every new school season.
As I was writing this I did an image search on the internet and found that I can do so much more with my obsession. On lindamollyellen's photostream I found this delight. Wow I can scrap book my toothy tome covers, a new obsession?

How about the fabric covers that I found at cerulean.viridian' s photostream , and I happen to be in a sewing mood.

Now I can bring my obsession into a new universe, hey from what I found on the internet, I’m not the only on who loves Composition books.

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