I came across BookCrossing about 4 years ago. My granddaughter was very sick and I had taken her over to the hospital for a test. They put us in a private waiting room and I reached over and found a children's book to read to her.
The book had all these funny stickers on it that said
I've been hooked ever since. Walter Sickers once said "Nothing links man to man like the frequent passage from hand to hand of a good book." What can be better that sending off a book into the wild, someone finds it, reads it, keeps it, or releases it again into the wild for others to repeat the sequence, Sometimes they log it into the bookcrossing website and you can go there and see the journey that you book is flying on. My grand kids and I have released a lot of books out at the Zoo. Its fun to then sit on a bench and watch someone find a book. I've let them at the Airport so they can find someone and fly away with them, though now that life has changed so, that probably is not a good idea, I mean it could involve bomb sniffing dogs and a lot of delayed planes. BookCrossing is earth-friendly, and gives you a way to share your books, clear your shelves, and conserve precious resources at the same time. So grab a book, any book. Register it with www.bookcrossing.com and jot its unique BookCrossing ID (BCID) down in the book, along with the website url or you can print some nifty free labels off their website. Release the book out into the wild and wait for it to write home to you. (You can also give the book to a friend, send it on a book ring etc-- just be sure to make a release note on it when you send it off into the world.) So what are you waiting for? Help make the world a library and recycle at the same time, through BookCrossing!
I used to participate in Bookcrossing but found that many of the books I know were sent to lost and found or just thrown away. Only one of the books I let loose in the wild was captured and recorded. Now I just give them to friends or recycle at the thrift store. - Margy