I checked out the website Gardening By The Moon.com and found a very in depth explanation of the phases of the moon and how they effect planting.
I also added a widget at the bottom of my blog that shows the current phase of the moon for each day.
The recommendations for Gardening by the Moon from the Farmers' Almanac for the next 3 months
January 2010
26th-27th. Poor Days For Planting. Seeds Tend To Rot In Ground. 28th-29th. Best Planting Days For Above Ground Crops, Especially Peas, Beans, Cucumbers, And Squash Where Climate Is Suitable. Plant Seedbeds And Flower Gardens. 30th-31st. 30-31 A Barren Time. Best For Killing Weeds, Briars, Poison Ivy, And Other Plant Pests. Clear Woodlots And Fence Rows.
February 2010
1st-2nd. Clear Ground, Turn Sod. Kill Plant Pests. 3rd-5th. Favorable Days For Planting Root Crops. Fine For Sowing Grains, Hay, And Forage Crops. Plant Flowers. 6th-7th. Plant Carrots, Turnips, Onions, Beets, Irish Potatoes, And Other Root Crops In The South. Lettuce, Cabbage, Collards, And Other Leafy Vegetables Will Do Well. Start Seedbeds. 8th-10th. Neither Plant Nor Sow On These Barren Days. 11th-12th. Any Root Crops That Can Be Planted Now Will Do Well. 13th-15th. Barren Days. Fine For Clearing, Plowing, Fertilizing, And Killing Plant Pests. 16th-17th. Plant Peppers, Sweet Corn, Tomatoes, And Other Above Ground Crops In Southern Florida, California, And Texas. Extra Good For Cucumbers, Peas, Cantaloupes, And Other Vine Crops. Set Strawberry Plants. 18th-19th. Seeds Planted Now Will Grow Poorly And Yield Little. 20th-21st. Fine For Planting Beans, Peppers, Cucumbers, Melons, And Other Above Ground Crops Where Climate Is Suitable 22nd-23rd. Any Seed Planted Now Will Tend To Rot. 24th-25th. Fine For Planting Beans, Tomatoes, Corn, Cotton, Cucumbers, Peppers, Melons, And Other Above Ground Crops Where Climate Allows. Plant Seedbeds And Flower Gardens. 26th-28th. Clear Ground, Turn Sod. Kill Plant Pests.
March 2010
1st-2nd. A Most Barren Period, Best For Killing Plant Pests Or Doing Chores Around The Farm. 3rd-4th. Favorable Days For Planting Root Crops. Fine For Sowing Hay, Fodder Crops, And Grains. Plant Flowers. 5th-6th. Excellent Time For Planting Root Crops That Can Be Planted Now, And For Starting Seedbeds. 7th-9th. Poor Planting Days. 10th-12th. Any Root Crops That Can Be Planted Now Will Do Well. 13th-14th. A Barren Period, Best Suited For Killing Pests. Do Plowing And Cultivating 15th-16th. Good Days For Planting Above Ground Crops. Fine For Vine Crops. Set Strawberry Plants. 17th-18th. Cultivate And Spray, Do General Farm Work, But No Planting. 19th-20th. Favorable For Planting Crops Bearing Yield Above The Ground. 21st-23rd. Seeds Planted Now Tend To Rot In Ground. 24th-25th. Best Planting Days For Above Ground Crops, Especially Peas, Beans, Cucumbers, And Squash Where Climate Permits. Plant Seedbeds And Flower Gardens.

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